Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER
Good afternoon! I hope that each of you are enjoying your three day, in some cases four day, weekend. The first thing that I want to point out is that this Friday all students and staff will be all in attendance, as it is a normal school day. The next item of business that I want to discuss is picture day for all 9th/10th/ and 11th students will be this Thursday, September 5th. Due to pictures being on Thursday, September 5th, the CSHS spirit day: USA day will be on Friday, September 6th. Finally, I would like to announce that Officer Rocha will be returning to CSHS this week, and I know the students will be excited to see a familiar face walking our halls. If you have questions do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Attendance Information: If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Moes, CSHS Attendance Clerk. Students can have up to four parent notes per semester. One absence = one parent note. If you have questions do not hesitate to email Ms. Moes.
Picture Day: Picture Day of all 9th-11th Grade students will be held on Thursday, September 5th. This is the picture that will be used in the yearbook. Senior picture retakes will be held later this fall. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Mr. Cobey Riedell, CSHS Yearbook Sponsor.
AP Students: The payment window for AP exams is quickly approaching. Please review the informational google sheet to answer all of your questions: AP Exam Payment Information. If you have questions contact Mrs. Meghan Harvey.
Senior Parents: China Spring High School will host a Senior Parent Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm, in the CSHS Cafeteria. We will go over important information for senior parents and guardians.
The counselors visited senior classes this week to show students where to locate important information regarding scholarships, testing information, and transcript request forms. We also wanted to share this information with parents! Please visit the counseling and guidance page on the high school website: CSHS Counseling Website (Senior Hub)
The fall is a popular time for college recruiters to visit campuses. If you'd like to see what institutions will be visiting CSHS this month please visit the following link: COLLEGE VISITS AT CSHS *This is fluid and will be added to regularly*
Upcoming Events:
Monday 9/2 No School: Labor Day
Tuesday 9/3
Wednesday 9/4
Thursday 9/5 Picture Day: 9th/10th/11th Grade (CSHS Library)
Friday 9/6 Normal School Day: Students and Staff
Spirit Day: USA Day
Saturday 9/7
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.
Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School