CSHS Week at a Glance 9-16-2024

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Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER

Good afternoon!  I hope that everyone has had a good weekend.  Progress Reports will be available through Parent Portal tomorrow.  If you have any questions regarding your student(s)’ grades do not hesitate to contact the teachers. Thank you for the continued support, if you have questions do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Progress Reports:  I want to share the following information with all parents so that everyone has it.  Due to CSISD moving to 9 week grading periods (quarters), we have to release progress reports every three weeks.  This first grading period (1st Quarter) there has to be a six week grade check for eligibility.  This week marks the end of the six week grading period.  Progress reports will be available on Monday, September 16th, and a student could lose eligibility on September 19th.  If you have specific questions regarding your student(s)’ grades contact the classroom teachers.  If you have questions regarding this policy contact me.

Attendance Information:  If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes, CSHS Attendance Clerk.  Students can have up to four parent notes per semester.  One absence = one parent note.  If you have questions do not hesitate to email Ms. Moes.

PSAT and SAT:  Beginning this week, 9th- 11th Grade students can sign up for the PSAT School Day Test on October 16th.  They will scan the QR code, located outside the Counseling Center.  The cost of the test is $20 and can be paid in the Counseling Center. There are a few reasons why the PSAT is beneficial:
1. Get a Preview: Understand how you might perform on the SAT.
2. Identify Areas for Improvement: Target specific areas to focus on for SAT preparation.
3. National Merit Recognition: Juniors, high scores on the PSAT can lead to National Merit recognition, including Semifinalist and Finalist status, and potentially National Merit scholarships.

Seniors are eligible for the School Day SAT Exam.  This test will be held on October 26th, and is free to seniors.  Deadline for students to register for the exams is Tuesday, October 1st.  If you have questions do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Vanessa Hopkins.

AP Students:  The AP payment window opens Monday, 9/9 and goes through September 19th. All exam fees must be paid by that date.  If you have questions contact Mrs. Meghan Harvey.
Cost of exam: $97
Method: Cash or check made payable to China Spring High School
Location: Counseling Center

Senior Parents: China Spring High School will host a Senior Parent Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd.  The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm, in the CSHS Cafeteria.  We will go over important information for senior parents and guardians.  The counselors have also visited senior classes to show students where to locate important information regarding scholarships, testing information, and transcript request forms.  We also wanted to share this information with parents! Please visit the counseling and guidance page on the high school website: CSHS Counseling Website (Senior Hub)

The fall is a popular time for college recruiters to visit campuses. If you'd like to see what institutions will be visiting CSHS this month please visit the following link: COLLEGE VISITS AT CSHS 
*This is fluid and will be added to regularly*

Upcoming Events:
Monday           9/16     Progress Reports will be available through Parent Portal
FFA: HOT District Meeting @ West High School
Tuesday          9/17           
Wednesday     9/18
Thursday        9/19     Spirit Day: Biker vs. Surfer
Friday             9/20     No School: Staff Professional Development Day                        Saturday         9/21    

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.

Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School