CSHS Week at a Glance 9-30-2024

C     O     U     G     A     R


Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is rested and looking forward to a very busy week. Tomorrow, September 30th, China Spring ISD will host a Parent Forum at our Elementary campus, beginning at 6:00 pm. On Tuesday, October 1st, all high school students will attend a required presentation regarding Tucker's Law (House Bill 3908) in the high school cafeteria. There is more information included later in the newsletter. Wednesday, October 2nd, representatives from Herff-Jones will be on campus for cap and gown orders for the class of 2025. That evening the high school will have a senior parent meeting in the cafeteria beginning at 5:30 pm. Finally, Friday, October 4th, is a regular school day and the final day of the 1st 9 week grading period.

Attendance Information:  If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes, CSHS Attendance Clerk.  Students can have up to four parent notes per semester.  One absence = one parent note.  If you have questions do not hesitate to email Ms. Moes.

Senior Walk Slideshow:  Please see the information from Lindsay Pack (Class of 2025 Parent) who has taken up the responsibility of the Senior Walk Slideshow that will be shown following the last home football game, against Lorena, on November 1st:

Please use the link to the google form to upload a few of your favorite photos of you and your friends from your China Spring years.

Be sure each photo is titled as your first and last name and picture number (ex: LindsayPack1, LindsayPack2, ect.) Also, the format should be JPG or PNG.


As long as all rules are followed, you are guaranteed 3 photos in the slide show, no more than 5, but it will just depend on how many photos are submitted. This link is also being shared with your parent/guardian, so you may want to get with them as I will only take a maximum of 5 photos per student. 

Photos must be school appropriate - any photo submitted that violates the code of conduct will be reported to the High School Administration.

• Photos must be of you but can include other friends and family, assuming you’ve gotten their consent. (You cannot upload photos of other students if you are not in the photo and again, you must have their consent to upload that picture.)

Deadline to enter photos is Friday, Oct. 4th @ 5pm.

Senior Parents: China Spring High School will host a Senior Parent Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd.  The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm, in the CSHS Cafeteria.  We will go over important information for senior parents and guardians. 

The link below will take you to important information regarding scholarships, testing information, and transcript request forms. Please visit the counseling and guidance page on the high school website: CSHS Counseling Website (Senior Hub)

The fall is a popular time for college recruiters to visit campuses. If you'd like to see what institutions will be visiting CSHS this month please visit the following link: COLLEGE VISITS AT CSHS  *This is fluid and will be added to regularly*

Tucker's Law Presentation:  On Tuesday, October 2nd, each grade level will attend a presentation over the dangers of fentanyl, substance abuse, and suicide prevention. If you would like more information regarding Tucker's Law presentation please follow the link:House Bill 3908 (Tucker's Law) Presentation.

Upcoming Events:
Monday           9/30     CSISD Parent Forum @ CSES 6:00 pm

Tuesday          10/1    Tucker's Law Presentation (CSHS Cafeteria)
9th: 7:55am - 8:46am
10th: 8:50am - 9:41am
11th: 9:45am - 10:36am
12th: 10:40am - 11:31am

Wednesday     10/2     Herff-Jones: Cap & Gown orders seniors during Lunches (Commons)
Class of 2025 Parent Meeting: 5:30 pm (CSHS Cafeteria)

Thursday        10/3    

Friday             10/4     Regular School Day Students and Staff
Last Day of the 9 Week Grading Period    

Saturday         10/5     Band @ Don Hanna Memorial Marching Contest (Denton)   

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.

Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School