Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER
Good afternoon! I hope that everyone had a good weekend. On Wednesday, October 9th, report cards will be available through CSISD Parent Portal. If you have any questions regarding your student(s)’ grades do not hesitate to contact the teachers. Also, tomorrow night we have a choir concert that begins at 6:00 pm. Additionally, this week is homecoming so there are spirit days every day of the week, and Wednesday night there will be a Homecoming Event beginning at 6:00 pm. Finally, congratulations to our Tennis team for winning District last week.
Attendance Information: If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes, CSHS Attendance Clerk. Students can have up to four parent notes per semester. One absence = one parent note. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact Ms. Moes.
Dr. Notes: As we get further into our year, I need parents and guardians help in ensuring that our students turn in Dr. notes when they have Dr. appointments. If a student goes to an appointment and comes back the same day, or their appointment is at the end of a day, they can supply a Dr.’s note so the absence is excused.
Senior Parents: At the meeting last week we went over some important information that parents of seniors need to know. Here are some of the important dates:
10/21/22 Senior Picture Retakes
10/23 Senior SAT School Day test
10/31 Senior Pep Rally
11/1 Senior Slideshow and Walk (following football game)
5/3 2025 CSHS Prom (CSHS)
5/24 2025 Baccalaureate Service:10:00 am (1st Baptist of Woodway)
5/30 Class of 2025 Graduation Ceremony: 7:00pm (Ferrell Center)
Counselor Information: Please visit the counseling and guidance page on the high school website: CSHS Counseling Website (Senior Hub)
The fall is a popular time for college recruiters to visit campuses. If you'd like to see what institutions will be visiting CSHS this month please visit the following link: COLLEGE VISITS AT CSHS *This is fluid and will be added to regularly*
Upcoming Events:
Monday 10/7 Spirit Day: Camo Day
Choir Concert: 6:00 pm (CS PAC)
Tuesday 10/8 Spirit Day: PJ Day
Choir: Baylor Mens' Day (Optional)
Wednesday 10/9 Report Cards Available through Parent Portal
Spirit Day: Class Colors
9th Grade: Yellow
10th: Blue
11th: Orange
12th: Pink
Community Homecoming Event: 6:00 pm
Thursday 10/10 Pep Rally: 8:44 am (Competition Gym)
Spirit Day: Blue out Day
Last Day to clear Incomplete Grades
Friday 10/11 No School: Office Closed
Saturday 10/12 Band: Sound of Springtown Marching Showcase
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.
Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School