Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER
Good morning! This week will be another busy week at CSHS. Pay close attention to the upcoming events section at the bottom of the newsletter. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, picture retakes for seniors will be held in the library. Picture retakes for all 9th-11th grade students will be on Wednesday, October 23rd. Additionally, on Wednesday, bells will be off as all seniors will take the SAT exam during the school day. Finally, this past week just served as another reminder why CSHS is such a special place. Our band received all 1s for the 35th straight year at their UIL Region Marching competition, and our Tennis team advanced to the State Tournament, for the first time in school history. I want to wish good luck to our Cross Country team as they will run in their Regional Meet tomorrow morning in Huntsville. Finally, I want to wish good luck to our Tennis team as they compete in the State Semifinals on Wednesday, October 23rd, at Baylor University.
Attendance Information: If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes, CSHS Attendance Clerk. Students can have up to four parent notes per semester. One absence = one parent note. I need your help with attendance as our campus attendance for this school year is well below where it has been historically.
Dr. Notes: As we get further into our year, I need parents and guardians help in ensuring that our students turn in Dr. notes when they have Dr. appointments. If a student goes to an appointment and comes back the same day, or their appointment is at the end of a day, they can supply a Dr.’s note so the absence is excused. Dr. notes can be emailed to Ms. Moes or faxed to 254-836-1418.
Picture Retakes: Picture retakes for seniors will be held on Monday, October 21st and Tuesday, October 22nd. This is the picture that will be used for the yearbook. Seniors have signed up if they wanted a retake, or were unable to take them in June. Picture retakes for all 9th – 11th Grade students will be Wednesday, October 23rd. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact Mr. Cobey Riedell, CSHS Yearbook sponsor.
National Honor Society Induction: The induction ceremony for new National Honor Society members will be Monday, October 28th, at 6:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Amy Faulkner.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 10/21 Senior Picture Retakes (Day 1): Library
Tuesday 10/22 Senior Picture Retakes (Day 2): Library
Wednesday 10/23 SAT School Day Test (Seniors)
Picture Retakes: 9th/10th/11th Grade (Library)
Team Tennis Send-off: 9:15 am
Thursday 10/24 Pep Rally: 8:44 am (Competition Gym)
Spirit Day: Pink Out
Friday 10/25 No School: Staff Development Day
Saturday 10/26 Haunted House: PAC 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Theatre)
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.
Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School