Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER
Good afternoon! I want to congratulate the band on an unbelieveable marching season. They placed 5th overall this past Wednesday. While I know they might be somewhat disappointed, as their principal, I can promise they made the school and community proud. Also, beginning Friday, November 22nd the office will be closed through Decmeber 2nd for the Thanksgiving holiday. When we come back on Monday, Decemebr 2nd, progress reports will be available through parent portal. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Attendance Information: If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes,CSHS Attendance Clerk. Students can have up to four parent notes per semester. One absence = one parent note. I need your help with attendance as our campus attendance for this school year is well below where it has been historically.
Dr. Notes: As we get further into our year, I need parents and guardians help in ensuring that our students turn in Dr. notes when they have Dr. appointments. If a student goes to an appointment and comes back the same day, or their appointment is at the end of a day, they can supply a Dr.’s note so the absence is excused. Dr. notes can be emailed to Ms. Moes or faxed to 254-836-1418.
ASVAB: ASVAB test sign ups are happening now for current10th through 12th graders. Students can sign up by scanning the QR code located in the counseling center. The deadline to sign up is December 5th and the test is on December 10th. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Jami Bihl.
Current 11th grade students: The counselors will begin their one-on- one sit downs to create your student's senior schedule this upcoming week, November 18th-November 22nd. Please note: students will have an opportunity to make modifications to this preliminary schedule in late spring.
Current 10th grade students: The counselors will begin their one-on-one sit downs to create your student's Junior schedule the week of Monday, December 2nd-December 5th. Please keep in mind that during their 11th grade year, AP and Dual Credit options become available. In order to ensure you and your student are best informed on the differences please be sure to review the informational powerpoint located here: DC // AP information
Official registration for any dual credit classes will not begin until spring semester. Any preliminary choices can be modified.
Current 9th grade students: The counselors will begin their one-on-one sit downs to create your student's Sophomore schedule the week of Monday, December 9th-December 12th. Please note: students will have the opportunity to make modifications to this preliminary schedule in late spring.
As a reminder, the counselors serve the following alphabets:
Jami Bihl: Alphabet A-G
Vanessa Hopkins: Alphabet H-Q
Meghan Harvey: Alphabet R-Z
Final Exam Schedule: Fall final exams will be given over two days, December 18th and 19th. All students are required to take all finals, and no finals will be given early. I will include the exam schedule in the next newsletter. Fall final exams count for 10% of a student's fall semester average.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 11/18 Course Requests: Current 11th Grade Students
Tuesday 11/19 Course Requests: Current 11th Grade Students
Wednesday 11/20 Course Requests: Current 11th Grade Students
Thursday 11/21 Course Requests: Current 11th Grade Students
Last day of the three week grading period
Friday 11/22 No School: Office Closed for the Thanksgiving Break
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.
Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School